CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast

Episode 23, "Dream Warriors" In the Heart of God

August 30, 2022 Stephanie Wright Season 9 Episode 23
Episode 23, "Dream Warriors" In the Heart of God
CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
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CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
Episode 23, "Dream Warriors" In the Heart of God
Aug 30, 2022 Season 9 Episode 23
Stephanie Wright

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Hello and welcome to Episode 22 in our series, “In the Heart of God.” Today we have a question for you: What do you do when you have bad dreams or negative dreams? Are you a worrier, or are you a warrior? It’s time to discuss how to be a “Dream Warrior.”

Our topic is dreams. We are going to share why we dream; look at scriptures and Biblical examples of dreams, and share some personal accounts of good and bad dreams and the outcomes. We are also going to give specific directions on how to deal with bad or negative dreams. We are addressing this subject because recently, a friend had a negative dream, and they weren’t quite sure how to handle it. We will share more details about this dream later. But, Stephanie, this is a topic we have shared with others over the years, and it is something we practice on a regular basis.

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Show Notes Transcript

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Hello and welcome to Episode 22 in our series, “In the Heart of God.” Today we have a question for you: What do you do when you have bad dreams or negative dreams? Are you a worrier, or are you a warrior? It’s time to discuss how to be a “Dream Warrior.”

Our topic is dreams. We are going to share why we dream; look at scriptures and Biblical examples of dreams, and share some personal accounts of good and bad dreams and the outcomes. We are also going to give specific directions on how to deal with bad or negative dreams. We are addressing this subject because recently, a friend had a negative dream, and they weren’t quite sure how to handle it. We will share more details about this dream later. But, Stephanie, this is a topic we have shared with others over the years, and it is something we practice on a regular basis.

If you would like to be a guest on our podcast, email us at

If you want to contact us or comment on this podcast, please visit our website at where all episodes are available by category in series format. We can also be reached on Twitter and Instagram at @cgmissions, and on YouTube @cgmissions. CGM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be made on our website:

If you want to contact us or comment on this podcast, please visit our website at, where all episodes are available by category in series format. You can see the most recent video and audio podcasts at: then select from the video or podcast"Playlist."

CGM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be made on our website:


Hello and welcome to Episode 22 in our series, “In the Heart of God.” Today Stephanie and I have a question for you: What do you do when you have bad dreams or negative dreams? Are you a worrier, or are you a warrior? It’s time to discuss how to be a “Dream Warrior.”


Okay, Charles, what is our topic of discussion today, and how did we decide on this topic?

Our topic is dreams. We are going to share why we dream; look at scriptures and Biblical examples of dreams, and share some personal accounts of good and bad dreams and the outcomes. We are also going to give specific directions on how to deal with bad or negative dreams. We are addressing this subject because recently, a friend had a negative dream, and they weren’t quite sure how to handle it. We will share more details about this dream later. But, Stephanie, this is a topic we have shared with others over the years, and it is something we practice on a regular basis.

 STEPHANIE: That is true, Charles. In fact, you taught me the key to handling bad dreams. Good dreams are easy. We embrace them, and we’re seldom concerned that they won’t come to pass. But before we go into the lesson on handling negative dreams, let’s look at some facts about dreams and, more importantly, what the Bible says about dreams.

 We all know that sleep is a good thing. When we sleep, we dream. Some people say they don’t dream, but scientists say everybody dreams. A person may not remember their dreams, but we all dream. In fact, I recently read that other species, including birds, dogs, and even spiders, dream!

But from a Biblical perspective, God lets us dream because we are too busy in the daytime or at other times to really give him the attention that he needs. Dreams are God’s way of communicating with us. Job 33:15-17 reads, “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;16 Then God opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction,17 That He may withdraw man from man’s purpose, and hide pride from man.”

So, that tells me that God has an additional opportunity to communicate his purposes for me through dreams.  

 Briefly, let’s look at some Bible examples of God giving instruction in dreams. Joseph, Mary’s husband was a good example. He had four dreams from God and he followed through on all of them. In Matthew 1:20, he was told not to be afraid to take Mary for his wife; in Matthew 2:13, he was told to take Jesus and Mary and flee from Bethlehem to Egypt because; in Matthew 2:19-20, Joseph is told that is safe to leave Egypt and go back to Israel; and in Matthew 2:22, Joseph is warned to go to the region of Galilee instead of going to Judea. In the first three dreams, an angel appeared to instruct Joseph, but in the last dream, God directed him to go to Galilee.

CHARLES: And in the Old Testament and New Testament, Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 respectively, we are told: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

There are many other scriptures we could cite, Stephanie, but we encourage our listeners to research the subject, “Dreams in the Bible.” For example, in the Old Testament, there’s Jacob’s dream of the ladder in Genesis 28; and Joseph had six dreams of significance in Genesis 37 and 39-41.

STEPHANIE: Well, Charles, let’s move into our next subject, “How do you handle negative dreams?”


  1. First of all, we should not be fearful of a negative or bad dream. If it came from God as a warning or if came from the devil to scare us, we are nevertheless not to be fearful. 2 Timothy 1:7. Dreams are for warnings not to be fearful but to pray and bind the fear the enemy wants to put in your heart. Fear is not in the heart of God.
  2. We must acknowledge that God has given you power over that dream to intercede for yourself or others; 
  3. We pray in the name of Jesus with the authority we have to bind negative dreams in the earth and to destroy the works of the devil according to, Matthew 16:19 and First John 3:8 part c.
  4. Finally, know that you are chosen by God to have that dream because he trusts you to intercede prayerfully. He knows you will do it and can do it. So, don’t hide from the challenge but follow through with it.


I agree with those four steps Charles. Good dreams are easy. We embrace them, and we’re not concerned that they won’t come to pass. I would like to reiterate that when it comes to bad dreams, we tend to be afraid and not immediately pray about them. We sometimes accept them as being inevitable. Nothing is inevitable when there is the power to pray because nothing is impossible with God. Prayer turns the situation around instantly! As I said earlier, that’s how I used to be until you explained that we are supposed to be praying about these negative dreams and binding them in the earth. Whatsoever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatsoever we shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 28:18. We should be binding whatever the negative thing is that we dreamed about. We simply pray and say in the name of Jesus, Father, I bind this negative thing, name whatever it is, and bind it in the name of Jesus. Don’t try to figure it out. Unless you are very experienced or have a gift for interpreting dreams, you will not know what the dream means. You might know partly what it means, but not in its entirety unless, as I said, you have a gift for dream interpretation. But God knows what our dreams mean. That’s why we pray in the Holy Spirit. Simply say, Holy Spirit, I need you to go to the throne of God with this dream because I don’t know what it means. And, let me say this. God’s people do not go to fortune tellers and the like. The Holy Spirit is all we need. He is our intercessor, and he can take that dream to the throne of God. Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps our shortcomings: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Also, you can share with someone who will agree with you in the Spirit to bind negative dreams. Don’t share dreams with people who are full of negativity themselves.

 Apostle Charles, let’s share with our listeners some contemporary accounts of dreams, positive and negative.


Recently a friend shared how God told her in a dream that something significant would happen in her life in 30 days. Although she did not write it down, she believed the 30-day timeframe coincided with a new career assignment.

Death Dream

In another story, a friend dreamt about someone being shot to death. The person in the dream was already deceased by a number of years, so our friend knew that could not have been the actual person in their dream. Shortly after that dream, our friend had a relative who was actually shot multiple times but survived. 

 STEPHANIE: I would like to share the acorn dream. This dream symbolized success in selling a home and buying a home for us. It was a sort of silly dream about a squirrel trying to hide a whole lot of acorns around this huge tree we had outside our first home. I looked at that squirrel and thought, “What is he doing? I can see all his acorns.” But years later, we sold that house, and when we moved to Virginia when it was time to buy another home, I saw a bunch of acorns around another tree that I had walked past for two years and never noticed the acorns. That was my sign that we would successfully purchase a new home. We purchased the home under almost impossible circumstances.

 So, that is our podcast for today. Dreams and how to pray and bind negative dreams. Also, you should share this lesson with others who may come to you with negative dreams and fear them being manifested. Now, let’s go to a closing prayer which will also recap today’s lesson.

 CHARLES CLOSING PRAYER: Our prayer is for our listeners to know how to pray when they have negative or bad dreams. To know they have power in the name of Jesus to bind the bad dream and destroy whatever works the enemy was attempting to accomplish. To know they are chosen and ordained by God to intercede prayerfully. To have the courage to accept the challenge of praying and binding evil so good may prevail. And they are to teach others how to pray and overcome fearful dreams. To also learn to receive, embrace and give thanks for dreams of good and prosperity given by the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen

STEPHANIE: Thank you for joining us today. Now, let’s return to Apostle Charles as he closes us out and gives us contact information.


Matthew 1:20-21 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.Matthew 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Matthew 2:19-20 19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.
Matthew 2:22 22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee: