CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast

Episode 22, "Power to Love" featuring Andrea B., Betty, and Chestnut

Stephanie Wright Season 10 Episode 22

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Charles George Missions Presents Day 22, “Power to Love”

Hello and welcome to Day 22, of our Christmas Podcast entitled, “Power to Love.” Let’s close these final podcasts out in a conversation about loving one another. That’s what Jesus came to do to show us love and how to love. First, we will start with three short memory shares all reflecting the love of God, from Andrea, Betty, and Chestnut.

If you are joining us for the first time, we invite you to listen to our previous daily podcasts which began on December 1st. These podcasts are brought to encourage you and to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Stay with us to the end to hear Christmas music and announcements.

This is Stephanie Wright. Let’s get started.

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Charles George Missions Presents Day 22, “Power to Love”

Hello and welcome to Day 22, of our Christmas Podcast entitled, “Power to Love.” Let’s close these final podcasts out in a conversation about loving one another. That’s what Jesus came to do to show us love and how to love. First, we will start with three short memory shares all reflecting the love of God, from Andrea, Betty, and Chestnut.

If you are joining us for the first time, we invite you to listen to our previous daily podcasts which began on December 1st. These podcasts are brought to encourage you and to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Stay with us to the end to hear Christmas music and announcements.

This is Stephanie Wright. Let’s get started.

Our first memory share is from Betty from Florida

My most memorable Christmas was when my children were younger-everyone opening up toys and gifts; my Father coming over; I would go to my baby sister’s house; take gifts to her. We exchanged gifts. My Father and I went back to my house. My Father would pass out envelopes to my children. Different people visited. We would have dinner together. My husband and I would visit different people in our building. It was the best.

Our second memory share is from Chestnut from South Carolina

My favorite Christmas memory was when I received a camcorder for Christmas . . . I was so happy because the thought of having my own device and capturing all these memories . . . I was so grateful.

Our last memory share is from Andrea B. from St. Louis

It is by far the shortest memory share I received. Andrea from St. Louis said here favorite memory share is,

Good health.”

Thank you, ladies, for your memory shares. We really appreciate your contributions to this podcast. All of your contributions reflect God’s love which is the segway into today’s presentation, “The Power to Love.”

One of the final messages we want to leave with you is, show God’s love the way He showed His love in sending Jesus. Jesus came to this earth and freely gave His life for our sins so we could be reconciled to God and live an abundant life on earth and have everlasting life. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. I think it is fair to say, it is the most well‑known scripture in the world. God expects us to show love to others the way He has shown His love to us. How do we do that? Think about how God has loved you. He is forgiving. When we sin and repent, He forgives us immediately. He doesn’t hold a grudge and try to get even when we disobey Him. He is patient with us even when we are impatient with others. He provides for us and not only gives us what we need, but what we want sometimes. His love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8.) So, our power to love is fueled by His love toward us. We just need to stop and remember His goodness to us and it should light the spark needed to love each other and do good toward others. God truly is a good God.

We cannot say we love God and hate our brothers and sisters. I John 4:20 says, If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? We show how we love by the way we act. You know that old adage, “Actions speak louder than words,” and, “I can’t hear what you’re saying for what I see you doing (or not doing).” Well, God expects our actions to speak louder than our words. James 2:15‑18 reminds us that we should clothe the naked and feed the poor instead of telling them to go away and find their own way to feed and clothe themselves.

And Jesus speaking in Matthew 25:34‑46, further reminds us that the way we treat others is the same as treating him that way. Furthermore, our rewards will be tied to that treatment.

I am not one big on New Year’s resolutions, mostly because I used to make them and ended up breaking them within the first month. So, I do not make them for that reason. One thing I definitely do not do is promise God something and not following through. Ecclesiastes 5:4‑5 says, “When you vow a vow to God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. 5 Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.”

So, I will only propose to you that for the year 2021, to pursue excellence in Christ by doing what He has asked you to do, and that is, to love one another. John 13:34. “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”  I will never forget the time my youngest daughter climbed into my husband’s lap while he was sitting in his lounge chair. He didn’t call her she just felt the need to sit with her Poppy. He was so quiet and patient with her and she said, “Poppy, is this how God is?” Wow! That stills makes me almost want to cry. I believe she really meant it, I don’t think she was just trying to get him to take her to get some ice cream. That’s sort of how the world should see us. They should look at us and say, “Is this how God is?”  "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven." Matthew 5:16.
Thank you for being with us on CGM Christmas Podcast. I want to thank the three ladies and all of you who have submitted your Christmas memories for these podcasts. It thoroughly enhanced these presentations. Join us again tomorrow when we will again share Christmas memories, scriptures, and songs as we celebrate Christ's birth. This is Stephanie Wright. May God's love, peace, and protection be with you until next time, and remember, "Don't Let Anything Steal Your Christmas." To contact us, please send an email to The album, "We Love Christmas" is a production of Charles George Missions and Macattack Productions and may be ordered on our website:
See you next time. 

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