CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast

Episode 29, "Dream Keeper" Series: In the Heart of God

Stephanie Wright Season 9 Episode 29

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Episode 29, Dream Keeper – Acts of Faith – October 31, 2022

CHARLES: Stephanie, what is the theme for today’s podcast, Dream Keeper?

STEPHANIE: Charles, we are going to share with our listeners how they keep their dreams alive through acts of faith. We are going to emphasize that God is the dream giver and the dream keeper, but we have a responsibility to be our own dream keepers through His guidance. We will share with our listeners some of our experiences because that's the best witness as far as dreams, visions, and thoughts given by God. So, let’s get started.

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Episode 29, Dream Keeper – Acts of Faith – October 31, 2022

CHARLES: Stephanie, what is the theme for today’s podcast, Dream Keeper?

STEPHANIE: Charles, we are going to share with our listeners how they keep their dreams alive through acts of faith. We are going to emphasize that God is the dream giver and the dream keeper, but we have a responsibility to be our own dream keepers through His guidance. We will share with our listeners some of our experiences because that's the best witness as far as dreams, visions, and thoughts given by God. So, let’s get started.

One thing I do and have done when it came to dreams, visions, and thoughts from God is engage in acts of faith. For example, recently, when our grandson was preparing for his Board exam in nursing, I saw in a vision a rug that needed to be swept. It had some dirt and other small stuff on it. And I saw a pitcher of water that I was pouring into a huge white cup.

After that vision, I had our grandson sweep the dirt off a rug we had placed at the front door. I believe the Lord told me that our grandson’s mind was too clouded with stuff that should not have been there. That he had to get his mind cleared and clean. I took that rug and got a broom, and had him go outside and sweep that rug clean. And I did the same thing with the water. I said, Pour this clean water into this bowl. Um, it was supposed to be a cup. I saw a big, huge cup and clean water going into that cup. But I didn't have a big white cup, so I took the bowl. So that was my act of faith because the enemy was trying to steal a dream from him, from all of us, really.

So, I mean, for me, when I see the enemy trying to steal my dreams, what I have done is engage in an act of faith. When the enemy has tried to come in and put fear in my heart about something. I do an act of faith. Another act of faith was when we lived in Waverly, Iowa, and I had to cross the Janesville bridge to go to church in Waterloo. I do not know why I was afraid of driving across that bridge. The enemy would put in my head that I was going to have an accident on that bridge. So, what I did was I parked the car, got out, prayed, and bound that spirit of fear as I walked across the bridge using the walkway. I turned around and walked back to my car, and drove across the bridge. I was never afraid again when I crossed that bridge.

CHARLES: You dominated that spirit of fear, and it had to leave


Yeah. That was my way, of confronting the devil.


That was trying to steal your dream to go to church.


Yeah. Yeah. Because he didn’t want me to go to church. You know, a dream can be what you dream, but it can be something you hope for or dream about doing or becoming. So, when God shows me something, that's, that's what I do, I engage in an act of faith. 


I like what you said. A dream is something that you hope for. You expect. You believe for. Uh, it's not just a dream; it’s an expectation. It’s a hope. And I'm gonna say this, especially when it comes from God. And God gives it to you. When God gives it to you, it's from God, and he's got to do it.



CHARLES: But He's got to do it through us with faith. And I hear and see it again, the devil comes to sift you like wheat.


Yes. Yes. Because he knows that God's going to win. But he's gonna try to do everything to stop you and block you. And he tries to keep you from acting on the thoughts that God gives you,


Which are in God’s dreams for you.


His dreams. Yes. We're talking about dreams, visions, and thoughts. When a thought crosses your mind to do something that counteracts what the enemy is trying to do to you, you can't just dismiss that. Just like when I saw that rug being swept clean. I could have said, “Oh, that's nothing.” You know? No, no, because I knew the significance of it. Because I know that over the years, my relationship with God has been such that when he shows me something in a dream or a vision, that's significant. So, if there's a way I can act upon it, then I act upon it. The enemy will try to convince you, “Oh, that's just crazy. Sweeping the rug that’s ridiculous. Pouring clean water into a cup?” Yeah. But our grandson passed that exam, didn't he?


Yes, he did.


I had our grandson do the sweeping and the pouring. I didn't do it for him. Sometimes you have to engage in the act of faith, but then there are times if you are led by the Spirit to tell somebody, you tell them, “This is what you have to do as an act of faith.”



So, that's what I would tell people. Don't dismiss the thoughts that come across your mind or the dreams and visions given by God. I mean, some of them you should if they're totally ridiculous. I always like to use this example. God will not tell you to go jump off a cliff. If you see yourself going and jumping off a cliff, don't do that because the angels are probably not gonna come and grab you up. Okay. Something that's totally off the wall. No, Uh-uh. I mean, the enemy will try to bring you thoughts like that. So, you have to be open to the Spirit of God and also know when the spirit of the enemy is trying to deceive you and lead you in the wrong direction. And that's why you must pray, know how to pray and have spiritual discernment


Well, I was gonna say, as far as the thought part, God prompts the thoughts. Yes. He prompts the thoughts. And they're not really our thoughts.


No, They're His.


Thoughts. They're his thoughts. Yeah. They're his dreams. He, prompts the dream. He gives the dreams; dreams, therefore, are his. He's saying, “Now I'm going to give it [the dream, thought, vision] to you. You’re gonna do something in the earth with it, and I'm gonna back you up because, after all, it's not yours; it’s mine.” Whether it's hearing God in dreams, hearing Him in thoughts, dreams, and visions, you hear Him; your inner man hears him.


I think it's important for people to tune in to the thoughts that come to them to see when God is trying to tell them to do something. Or to not do something because the negative thing that you see in your thoughts can also keep you from doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing.


Know. Mm-hmm .


And so, so we should not dismiss the thoughts that come, but instead, we should think, what is God trying to speak to me about this?  


We have heard that we should try the spirit by the spirit. I John 4:1.


Yes. Yes. But especially if you've got something that you're going through that is trying for you and it's constantly on your mind. I believe that God speaks to you, especially during those times. And he will tell you, in your heart, in your thoughts, in your dreams, in visions. He will speak to you about how to deal or handle those things. But you gotta be receptive to it. 


But the thing about some of the dreams, visions, and thoughts that God himself gives you, sometimes, you try to get away from it.


Mm-hmm. Charles, do you have something else to share on faith and being a Dream Keeper?


Well, Stephanie, earlier, you mentioned that the devil would try to stop and block God's people from being His Dream Keepers. Therefore, yes, there are some things that we can do despite the enemy’s attempts to discourage us. Remember, we are both created in the image of God with our human characteristics and divine characteristics. Thus, we are fighting a battle on both sides. But, Galatians, chapter 6, verse 9, encourages us not to be weary in well doing. Also, if we look at Hebrews, chapter 6, verse 12, we are not supposed to be slothful, indifferent, or filled with apathy but we should exercise acts of faith that show we trust God as our Dream Keeper.

A passionate faith, from the heart, is what God is looking for. It is a faith that is developed within a heart that worships God in spirit and in truth. This type of faith helps us to keep our dreams alive and trust God to bring them to fulfillment. God is our dream weaver, engineer, creator, and designer. Acts of faith in God work to build us up. So, be encouraged to be a gatekeeper of God's dreams, thoughts, and visions which He gives to us so we can live an abundant life and help others live an abundant life. Remember, what matters to God is our passionate love toward Him and others.

The enemy will surely place obstacles in our dream path, but Jesus said in his Word that without Him we could do nothing. But with Him, we can overcome those obstacles that try to block our dreams from being manifested. God will make a way for our dreams, visions, and thoughts to be a reality. So, be strong and of good courage because we are living examples as God's Divine Dream Keepers. Take somebody else to heaven with you. Keep being passionate. Be like Jesus, be sons and daughters of God.

Our closing prayer for you is from Romans 8: 14, which teaches us to be led by God's divine Holy Spirit. We are taught to be renewed in the spirit of our minds, according to Ephesians 4:23. Therefore, be renewed, and don't let your works and acts of faith be in vain. But instead, labor in the power of the Holy Spirit with a Jesus-type of “sweat equity” as you take up your cross to glorify God. We are called out of weariness, called out of coldness, and called out of lukewarmness to be chosen as God's Dream Keepers because it is in the Heart of God.

STEPHANIE: Thank you Charles and thank you listeners for joining us today. Now let’s return to Apostle Charles as he closes us out and gives us contact information.  

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