CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast covers every aspect of life from "A" to "Z" while applying Bible principles to 21st-century living. All podcasts can be reached by category at: All podcasts are on the following podcast platforms: Apple, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart, Pandora and more. The presentations are informative and inspirational while weaving in a dash of humor to uplift and encourage listeners. Most of all, it leads the listener to a deliberate inquiry into their own love relationship with the Lord. Dr. Stephanie Wright, D.Jur., is the presenter of this podcast. She is the media coordinator for Charles George Missions, Inc. ("CGM"), a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, attorney, pilot, podcaster, and most of all, she loves the Lord. She is married to Apostle Charles G. Wright. For more information on the presenter visit CGM's website:
CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
Episode 24, "The Tribulation Ends and Judgment Begins" Revelation 20
Hello, and thank you for joining us in our series "Revelation Expectations." I am Apostle Charles Wright and Stephanie Wright. This is episode 24, and we are in Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation. We have much to cover in 15 short verses, so listen closely. Among the events John the Apostle will see are the Great White Throne Judgment, the Book of Life, Satan chained for 1000 years and then released, Jesus and His Millennial Kingdom, and God's victorious battle at Gog and Magog. Follow closely because these events sometimes appear at the chapter's beginning and end. Let's begin Episode 24, "The Tribulation Ends and Judgment Begins."
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