CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
CGM Presents: In the Word Podcast
Episode 2-2023 "He Decorated the Sky" Rebecca Sideras
This is a reboot of 2021-2022 Christmaas Podcasts.
Charles George Missions Presents: Day 17 – Christmas Podcast – “He Decorated the Sky”
Hello and welcome to Day 17, of CGMissions Christmas Podcast. Today’s podcast is entitled “He Decorated the Sky.” Today we are going to talk about God decorating the sky with the Star of Bethlehem or as some say, The Christmas Star, on the night Jesus was born.
If you are joining us for the first time, we invite you to listen to our previous daily podcasts which began on December 1st. In each podcast we have a new contributor share their favorite Christmas memory. These podcasts are brought to encourage you and to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Stay with us to the end to hear Christmas music and announcements.
Today’s Christmas memory share is from Rebecca who hails from Greece, Germany, and Canada.
If you want to contact us or comment on this podcast, please visit our website at, where all episodes are available by category in series format. You can see the most recent video and audio podcasts at: then select from the video or podcast"Playlist."
We can also be reached on Instagram at:
CGM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be made on our website:
If you want to contact us or comment on this podcast, please visit our website at, where all episodes are available by category in series format. You can see the most recent video and audio podcasts at: then select from the video or podcast"Playlist."
CGM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be made on our website: